Giving a Presentation
RDA South East Annual Convention
Sarah is a Keynote speaker at this convention and is giving a presentation on contact.
Sports Psychology Through the Eyes of a Rider and Coach
Headley Village Hall Village Hall, Church Lane,, Headley, Epsom, Surrey, United KingdomI’m giving a talk at Headley Heath Riders Association on sports psychology through the eyes of a coach and rider. Having recently returned from the Centre 10 on Applied Psychology for Equestrian Coaches Gold programme 2019 3 day residential, I’ll be sharing information and ideas on this important and often overlooked area. I’ll give an […]
Talk at Epsom RDA
Epsom RDA St Ebbas Farm, Hook Rd, Epsom, Surrey, United KingdomI'm giving a talk for Epsom RDA on the evening of July 12th on Improving Your Seat and Refining Your Aids.
Fundraising Lecture for Epsom RDA
Epsom RDA St Ebbas Farm, Hook Rd, Epsom, Surrey, United KingdomOn March 3, 2023 I will be giving a lecture in aid of the Epsom RDA on How to Work Better With Your Horse (Regardless of Discipline). I will cover a wide range of topics to consider, from biomechanics, rider/horseperson psychology and horse behaviour. Tickets £20.00 per person with all proceeds to the Epsom RDA […]
Fundraising Lecture/Demo for Epsom RDA
Epsom RDA St Ebbas Farm, Hook Rd, Epsom, Surrey, United KingdomOn July 28th 2023 I will be giving a lecture in aid of the Epsom RDA Tickets £20.00 per person with all proceeds to the Epsom RDA plus booking fee (drinks and nibbles included). Epsom RDA volunteers should email to enquire about booking
Lecture Fundraising for Epsom RDA: Sports Psychology
Epsom RDA St Ebbas Farm, Hook Rd, Epsom, Surrey, United KingdomOn April 19th I will be giving a lecture in aid of the Epsom RDA on various techniques of sports psychology on a variety of topics such as dealing with nerves and how to best relate with your horses. Tickets £20.00 per person with all proceeds to the Epsom RDA plus booking fee (drinks and […]
Lecture Fundraising for Cranleigh RDA: How Horses Perceive the World
Cranleigh RDA Casi’s Farm, Rowly Drive, Cranleigh, Surrey, United KingdomOn June 21st I will be giving a lecture in aid of the Cranleigh RDA on how horses perceive the world, covering the horses senses and considerations on how to best relate with your horses. Tickets £20.00 per person with all proceeds to the Cranleigh RDA.
Winter Talk – Practical tips and exercises for you and your horse
Beare Green Village Hall Merebank, Beare Green, Surrey, United KingdomAn afternoon in the cosy Beare Green Village Hall fundraising for the BD Surrey and Sussex Teams. This talk is open to everyone and will include teas, coffees and cakes as well as a raffle. Equine Physio Calli Charles will discuss the musculoskeletal system of the horse and share practical exercises and stretches for your […]