The Team And Sponsor
Sarah has a formidable team behind her who aid and support her through her achievements. If you’d like to join the team as a sponsor, please get in touch.

Topline Naturals – Sponsor
100% natural, free from nasty chemicals, sustainable, eco-friendly, ethical and completely honest. Welcome to the world’s first Soil Association certified range of organic horse care products.

Jenku Dietrichsen – Horse trainer
Jenku gives regular clinics at Sarah’s yard on natural horsemanship and clicker training from behavioural issues to piaffe passage and everything in between.

Shotter & Byers
Mike is a highly experienced equine vet and is supported by a large team of vets. They are always available and invaluable in the efforts to maintain and improve high-level competition horses’ soundness and health.

Diane Daynes – Equine Sports Massage
Diane’s bodywork skills have made marked improvements to the way the horses are going.

Matt Staples – Farrier
Matt keeps all Sarah’s horses’ hooves healthy, from consistently maintaining soundness to improving foot balance. Matt is a certified member of the Equine Lameness Prevention Organization.

Paul Snowsell – Personal Trainer
Paul trains Sarah weekly on overall fitness and body balance, adding a focus on core stability and equestrian specific strength and flexibility.

Andy Thomas – Elite Equestrian Physio
Andy gives regular clinics at Sarah’s yard. He assesses imbalances and weaknesses in equestrian riders and provides a unique insight into the management of the human equestrian athlete.

Riding for the Disabled - Charity
Sarah gives her time to RDA-run events, including talks and demonstrations, to help raise funds for this great charity.

Brooke – Action for working horses and donkeys - Charity
Sarah is a local ambassador for Brooke, supporting their work through a number of events over the last few years and Sarah looks forward to doing more in the future.