With the improvements of the Coronavirus situation in the UK and the gradual easing of lockdown, I am delighted to be able to offer several opportunities to help riders really hone in on and improve their position, and the effectiveness of their seat and aids.
Centaur Biomechanics Rider Analysis
Saturday, April 3, 2021 – Woodside Equestrian, Horsham, West Sussex
Analysis of your position with elite equestrian biomechanist and researcher Dr. Russell MacKechnie-Guire of Centaur Biomechanics. Russell provides professional and experienced interpretation of your position and your horse’s performance using state of the art technology, helping improve your riding and your horse’s way of going. The way you sit on your horse has a dramatic effect on its soundness, performance and development. To improve this, Russell will provide invaluable feedback on the mechanics and asymmetries of you as a rider, giving you clear and positive corrections and areas to work on.
Simulator Sessions on Racewood Advanced Dressage Simulator
Multiple dates from Stage 2 – Wildwoods Riding Centre, Tadworth, Surrey
Held on a Racewood Advanced Dressage Simulator, allowing riders to train everything from walk trot and canter to piaffe and passage and tempi changes, these sessions are a great way to really focus on yourself. You’ll have the opportunity to concentrate on all aspects of your riding, some of which are not easily done whilst riding a live horse. I’ll be on hand right next to you to make positional adjustments, which would be impossible on a live horse when in trot or canter!
This makes a simulator session ideal for those wanting to improve their position and aids, get help with a certain movement or try some new moves. You’ll benefit from analytical data from the full sized mechanical horse combined with expert coaching from a Grand Prix dressage rider. This all adds up to rapid improvements in balance, co-ordination and skill that easily transfers to work on your own horse.
Andy Thomas TESTT® Clinic
Sunday, May 9th, 2021, Woodside Equestrian Centre, Horsham, West Sussex
Please Note: Spaces will be first allocated to those riders that were booked on to the previous clinic, which was regrettably cancelled due to the lockdown. Some wait list places may be available. In the meantime, please consider the Centaur Biomechanics Clinic and the simulator trainings to help get you on track.
Elite equestrian physio Andy Thomas will be coming for both follow up treatments and mounted initial rider assessment and treatment clinics. Andy Thomas is a High Performance Human Science Sports Medicine Advisor to the USA equestrian teams and developer of TESTT (Thomas equestrian symmetry types and tests). He is an experienced international lecturer in this specialist area and provides a unique insight into the human equestrian athlete.
Andy will explain asymmetry and its potential effect on you and your performance. He will then assess your weaknesses and imbalances and provide a tailored rehabilitation plan to re-correct. Attendees will also be able to see and purchase Andy’s TESTT Activation Tool Kit which encompasses exercises and products in a handy go-to bag to use for 15 minutes before you ride to warm up the muscles essential to riding.