I was lucky enough to be able to attend the latest Centre10 Advanced Coaches meetup, held at Unicorn Trust on 21stOctober. Centre10 meetups are held every 6 months as a way for Advanced Coaches to get together and learn new aspects of sports psychology as well as to share ideas and insights. We were very fortunate to have had a restricted numbers and socially distanced program this October just before another lockdown. Charlie Unwin, one of Centre10s sport psychology experts, led us through some fascinating reflection on the lessons learned in the months since the last (virtual) meetup, which took place during the first lockdown.

We then worked in groups exploring the array of additional coaching tools we have learned at Centre10, adding clarity and sharing practical tips between this range of top coaches. We also discussed how these can be applied throughout the coaching relationship looking at client’s goal setting, learning style, mindset, confidence, skill level etc. and how we can use tools beyond riding techniques, such as visualisations, to help improve their performance.
We were then treated to a demonstration on the importance of groundwork by Centre10 Coach and natural horsemanship master, Jason Webb. Jason showed us his pre-session interview with a horse owner before moving into the arena to show us his system of educating both a problem horse and its rider. He was notably calm, clear and consistent in his communication, both physical and verbal. It was inspiring. Check out his blog “Groundwork is the Key” about the event https://yourhorsemanship.com/groundwork-is-the-key/

Since completing my Advanced Coach course, I have been participating in the Centre10 Coaching Hub, which offers monthly ongoing further development. I am pleased to have been presented with my Bronze certificate for my first year’s participation and look forward to more improvement, skills, growth and self-reflection in the year ahead.